About us

Thanks to everyone’s support, we were able to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2022.

On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, we would like to take this opportunity to once again express our deep gratitude to our customers and business partners for their support, which is the reason for our continued existence over these 50 years.

Thank you.

Our honest attitude when it comes to manufacturing our products has gained us the patronage of many customers, and this leads us to believe that we are definitely on the right path.
JECK Co., Ltd. was founded in 1972 in Tokyo as a company selling cosmetics and supplements. Our first president, Masastugu Kozuka, focused his attention on the papaya fruit, using proteolytic enzymes found in papayas as ingredients in formulating shampoos and soaps for the first time. These products, which are still being sold after roughly 50 years, are constants in the company’s product lineup which customers can use with peace of mind. Put another way, we are a company that has been making natural cosmetics even before the term “natural cosmetics” was coined.
Through the course of JECK’s history, we have supplied Japan’s leading hotels with amenity products such as shampoos and cosmetics for their guest rooms, as well as well-known character merchandise.
Subsequently, in 1985, JECK formed a corporate group and established a company factory as part of that group. We obtained permission to manufacture, import, and export cosmetics and quasi-drugs and began manufacturing our own products. In 1989, we purchased a four-story building in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, where the group headquarters are now located.

Acting on our desire to offer our products to even more people, in 2013 we established a foreign subsidiary, JECK MYANMAR Co., Ltd., in Myanmar to serve as an overseas base of operations. We used this as a platform to expand our business, not only in Japan, but also abroad, by manufacturing products such as halal products. At the same time, we wanted to reach out directly to consumers, so we made use of the internet to enable us to sell our products directly to customers in Japan and abroad.

The torch has now been passed to the second president of the company, Nobuaki Kozuka. Under his stewardship, JECK will continue to manufacture “cosmetics that are gentle on the skin and safe to use”, while holding true to our motto ? “manufacturing products based on solid data and objective facts, not on impressions and assumptions”.

We are starting towards our goal of becoming a 100-year company.

We will widely publicize knowledge and
information that are known only to companies that are actually involved in the
manufacture of cosmetics.

A greeting from the Chief ExecutiveOfficer, JECK COMPANY LIMITED

JECK COMPANY LIMITED was first established by its first president, my father, Masatsugu Kozuka, in 1972 as a cosmetics wholesaler. After graduating from university, I spent three years studying abroad in the United States at BEAVER Col. Philadelphia, PA. Cambridge Business Institute, NY. NY, studying international business and accounting before returning to Japan. I then worked at a health food company, one of JECK’s business partners, before joining JECK. At the company factory, which was established in 1985, I was involved in the research, development, and manufacture of cosmetics, and was also able to gain plenty of knowledge and experience relating to cosmetics and quasi-drugs. Afterward, I started working in the company’s sales and business department before stepping up to become the second president of the company.
Thanks to the support of many different people, we were able to celebrate our 50th-anniversary last year.
When the company was founded, my father focused on enzymes found in papayas, developing and launching shampoos and soaps formulated with these enzymes that could be safely used. We are still selling these products 50 years later, and they have become constants in our product lineup that our customers can use with peace of mind.
In this way, we are continuing to uphold my father’s desire to provide our customers with peace of mind. Combining this with my desire for our customers to be beautiful, young, and healthy, we are a company that aims to deliver beauty, youth, and health to our customers. We will continue to treasure our customers, business partners, and employees as we move together toward our 100th anniversary.
We hope that you will also give your support to our newly-launched internet retail business, JECK COSMETICS.
We also hope that you will enjoy reading our blog, where we plan to share stories and secrets about the development of our established products, as well as our knowledge, experience, and expertise relating to cosmetics.

Our Store

Until now, our business has mainly revolved around the manufacture of OEM products for other cosmetics companies and the wholesale of our products to businesses. As this business is conducted behind the scenes, so to speak, we have not had many opportunities to come into direct contact with consumers.
We decided to start an internet retail business not only because we wanted to promote and advertise our products, but also because we truly wanted to provide consumers with accurate knowledge and information about cosmetics.
Our first step will be to grow this business with a focus on our established products such as shampoos, conditioners, soaps, beauty serums, sunscreens, and hair growth products.
Afterwards, we plan to launch new cosmetics brands, which are currently being planned, from time to time.